On parle de cosplay dans le Huffington Post

En février 2009, les photos de mon cosplay de Frost de Mortal Kombat étaient publiées sur Internet pour la première fois. Ces photos ont été réalisées alors que ni moi, ni le photographe, ni la maquilleuse, ni aucune des personnes ayant contribué au photoshoot ne connaissaient le mot ”cosplay.” J’avais été si surprise de la popularité de ces photos que j’avais fait quelques recherches qui m’avaient fait découvrir le phénomène du cosplay. 10 ans plus tard, le cosplay fait partie de mon quotidien. Cela m’a permis de voyager, de rencontrer des gens, de fabriquer des costumes exceptionnels et de mettre en oeuvre des projets que je n’aurais jamais pensé être capable de faire.

En 10 ans, j’ai vu le cosplay évoluer, surtout à travers les médias sociaux, et j’ai eu la chance de partager mon expérience et mon point de vue avec une journaliste pour un article dans le Huffington Post. Je suis heureuse d’avoir eu l’occasion d’aborder objectivement certains des sujets délicats reliés au cosplay comme la part du sexy dans les choix de costumes des cosplayers et les préférences des amateurs de cosplay, l’importance des médias sociaux et tout ce qui à mon avis a changé la face du cosplay, à tout le moins au Canada et aux État-Unis, dans la dernière décennie. L’article est en français. Bonne lecture!


In February 2009, pictures of my Frost cosplay from Mortal Kombat were posted for the first time. These pictures were made while neither of the people who contributed to the photoshoot had ever heard of the word ‘cosplay.’ The popularity of these pics made me want to understand what was going on and after a few searches, I discovered the cosplay phenomenon. 10 years later, cosplay is part of my life. It allowed me to travel, to meet people, to build exceptional costumes and undertake projects I never thought I’d be able to do.

In 10 years, I saw cosplay evolving, especially through social medias, and I had the chance to share my experience and point of view with a journalist from the Huffington Post. I’m happy I had the opportunity to objectively talk about some sensitive topics related to cosplay like the place given to sexiness in cosplayers’ costume choices and cosplay fans preferences, the importance of social medias and all these things that changed the face of cosplay, at least in Canada and in the USA, in the past decade. The article is in French, but I think it deserves that you take the time to translate it. Enjoy your reading!


New Marie-Claude Topless 3D Mousepad

You want to tone up your forearms? I have what you need! :D Try the new Marie-Claude Topless 3D Mousepad combined with the SRR System! All you have to do is Squish, Rest and Repeat! ;) This soft silicone boobie mousepad is the best forearm exercise you can dream of!

Get your Limited Edition, Collectible Marie-Claude Mousepad now! www.store.mcbourbonnais.com

Art by Boobsgames

Hentai Foundry: https://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/boobsgames/profile

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/boobsgames

Twitter: https://twitter.com/boobsgames

Fallout 4 Vault Suit Cosplay

Dear Vault Suits,

Even though I put you aside to continue remodeling my workshop, I wanted to say I’ve been thinking of you. I can’t wait to have a clean, properly installed workshop so I can finally complete you. Until then, you can follow me on Twitter (@mcbourbonnais1) to know what’s going on at the workshop everyday.

Thanks for your patience.

Your Seamstress xox

New Aimsee 3D printed statue on Shapeways

Some of you may have seen already the 2 first Aimsee statues I’m offering on my Shapeways store, a website where you can order 3D printed collectibles on demand.

I just released a 3rd statue and this is by far the sexiest of the 3! lol I’ve never seen a statue with a pose like this one! I called it ‘Bad landing’… because I suppose Aimsee was fighting with Keira and landed in a very sexy way? ;) Available in the classic version (with the nipples covered with ink) or the topless version, in 3 different sizes, in Smooth Fine Detail Plastic, Versatile Plastic and Full Color Sandstone. One thing is for sure, you want to check this out. :D www.shapeways.com/shops/aimsee

Thanks to Texelion for the 3D model.

Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Kassandra cosplay costume making of pictures now available

I finally posted 2 galleries full of Kassandra’s costume pictures! One gallery for the making of pics and one gallery where you can see closeups of the finished costume. I don’t know when I’ll have the time to complete my making of blog or when I’ll have the time to build a photo set and organize a cosplay photoshoot for this costume, so at least, I wanted to share the pics. :) Check this out! I’m particulary proud of the plastron and helmet. :D

I got my Instagram account back!!!

Incredible, but true!!! It must be an Easter miracle! I can’t believe it! I was so convinced I’d have to start a new account! But from now on, I’ll keep the risqué stuff for Twitter and I’ll censor even more my posts on Instagram and Facebook. Or I’ll learn how to wear clothes. ;)

Incroyable, mais vrai!!! J’ai retrouvé mon compte Instagram! Ce doit être un miracle de Pâques! lol J’étais tellement convaincue que je devrais créer un nouveau compte! Une chose est certaine, je vais garder le ”contenu sensible” pour Twitter et je vais censurer plus que jamais mes publications sur Instagram et Facebook… ou je vais porter des vêtements plus souvent. ;)

Making of pics galleries

A few days ago I had to do a major back up of all my laptop’s content and I realized how many costume making of pics I took over the past years. Let’s face it: I’ll never have the time to write a proper making of blog with detailed explanations for each costume I made. However, if you know how to sew or are interested in learning, I know that step by step pics can be helpful and are definitely better than nothing.

That’s why I decided to progressively add to my website a gallery for each costume I made where I’ll share my making of pics. I won’t be able to share as many information as I can do it in a real making of blog, but I want cosplayers, makers and artisans to be able to have access to free, high quality information about sewing techniques… and a little bit of prop making as well. :)

I started with Betty and Lug the robot. Lug has its own Making of blog in 4 parts, but if you’re curious to quickly see the making of pics, they’re all available in one gallery. Betty’s costume was an adventure, it’s one of the best leather costume I made so far with my MKX Scorpion costume. For this costume, I asked for the help of a shoemaker and I was able to have custom leather boots to match the costume. All the boots making of pics are in the gallery. Enjoy!

My official Instagram account was deleted

Bad news… Even though I’ve been censoring a lot of my pics to make them ‘Instagram friendly’ I realized last night that my Instagram account (marieclaudebourbonnais) was deleted, probably because of the sexy content. Yes, there’s a form we can fill up to ask to have an account back. That step is done already. For now, I want to wait for Instagram’s answer before creating a new Instagram account.

Which means that any other Instagram account using ‘marieclaudebourbonnais’ with numbers in the account’s name isn’t mine and is a fake account. If I have to create a new Instagram account, I will post its official name here. Until then, you can follow me on my Facebook Fanpage and on Twitter. Thanks for your support, guys.

Facebook Fanpage: Marie-Claude Bourbonnais (Cosplay/Glamour Model, Designer)

Twitter: @mcbourbonnais1

Mauvaise nouvelle: mon compte Instagram officiel (marieclaudebourbonnais) a été supprimé. Même si je censurais plusieurs photos pour les rendre ”acceptables” pour Instagram, il semble que mon compte ait été censuré parce que son contenu était trop sexy. Oui, il y a un formulaire que l’on peut remplir pour demander de récupérer un compte Instagram qui a été supprimé. Cette étape est complétée et j’ai l’intention, pour l’instant, d’attendre une réponse d’Instagram avant de choisir de créer un nouveau compte.

Ce qui signifie que tous les comptes Instagram actuellement actifs et contenant le nom ”marieclaudebourbonnais” avec des chiffres dans le titre ne m’appartiennent pas et sont des faux comptes. Si je dois créer un nouveau compte, je vous informerai de son nom officiel ici. En attendant que je retrouve mon ancien compte ou que j’en crée un nouveau, vous pouvez me suivre sur ma Fanpage Facebook Officielle ou sur mon compte Twitter. Merci de votre support.

Facebook Fanpage: Marie-Claude Bourbonnais (Cosplay/Glamour Model, Designer)

Twitter: @mcbourbonnais1

Invitée par la Fédération Canadienne de Lutte à Shawinigan

Je suis très heureuse d’annoncer que je suis reçue comme invitée par la Fédération Canadienne de Lutte pour l’événement qui aura lieu le 9 mars prochain à Shawinigan! :D Je serai disponible pour prendre des photos et signer des autographes. C’est un rendez-vous!

New gorgeous pics

Even though I’ve been a glamour model for many years and I’ve been taken in pictures thousands of time, I always wonder what the next photoshoot will look like and I’m always impressed  by the new ideas the photographers and I come up with. When I built the Jukebox set in my workshop, I was very excited because it would be my first photoshoot as a brunette, unveiling my natural hair color to the world. This set became my favorite set so far.

A few months later, out of nowhere, the photographer sent me 4 extra pics from that set I hadn’t seen, breathtaking pics on the floor we had taken at the end of the photoshoot. Glamorous, gorgeous, sensual… They became my ultimate favorite pics! Until my next photoshoot! ;)

Prints and posters available on my store: www.store.mcbourbonnais.com