New Marie-Claude Topless 3D Mousepad

You want to tone up your forearms? I have what you need! :D Try the new Marie-Claude Topless 3D Mousepad combined with the SRR System! All you have to do is Squish, Rest and Repeat! ;) This soft silicone boobie mousepad is the best forearm exercise you can dream of!
Get your Limited Edition, Collectible Marie-Claude Mousepad now!
Art by Boobsgames
Hentai Foundry:

Hi Marie, I think after the shops are done, and you decide to go to a Comic con in the USA? Go to the big one where you got Your start in the Cons…..DragonCon :) And then maybe to another that struck you as exceptional without being necessarily a big one? Like Montana or Indy? Or maybe one that had beautiful scenery to match your natural beauty ;)
What comic Con do you come to in the US?
Hi Joe,
It always depends, there’s a few American cons I’d like to attend just for fun. It’s a question of schedule. Once the remodeling of my 2 workshop units will be over, I think I’ll plan a trip to a con. :)