Tag: Making of
Bonne nouvelle! Je serai de retour cette année à Nadeshicon au Centre des congrès de Québec! Je donnerai une conférence sur la fabrication de costumes, d’accessoires et de décors dimanche le 30 mars à 14h00. Je parlerai des nouveaux projets sur lesquels j’ai travaillé dans la dernière année, je vous donnerai accès à toutes mes […]
This photoset is a perfect example of how we can mix materials or use them in a creative way to build something unexpected. No, my beaver couch isn’t made of logs. However, I did use real tree bark. ;) Curious? Check out my making of pics to discover the secret behind my beaver living room! […]
Remember my ‘Wet Paint’ Photoset? ;) Time for more remodeling… and more sexiness! Discover my new ‘XxX Plasterer’ photoset and you’ll never see construction work the same way! lol I think I look good with my new short hairstyle and a cap. Yes, the giant ‘X’ shaped props on the wall are really made out […]
Yes, my first Nobara pics were already impressive, but Part 2 is outstanding! Nobara has gone wild and this is gonna be an epic fight! Make sure to check out my new ‘Nobara Nailed It’ cosplay photoset: www.store.mcbourbonnais.com You might also want to see how I built this photoset, one of the most beautiful set […]
Here it is, the 2nd biggest cosplay photoset I built after my ‘Evil Boner’ photoset… a Jujutsu Kaisen photoset! Directly inspired by a scene from the anime, this set required months of work! :D It all started with polystyrene bricks I had made for another project. I realized how easy it was to work with […]
Many of you were flabbergasted when I released that improvised photoset built during the Holidays. With her giant Christmas wreath and dazzling costume, the Ice Queen is back with more pics that will melt your heart for sure. ;) Make sure to check out my previous post to see the photoset’s making of pics. Ice […]
Yes, this last minute belated Christmas photoset became a winter cosplay set! Entirely built during the Holidays with material I already had at the workshop and a few things I could find in local stores (when they were not closed) I made this little miracle happen! Hope you enjoy my improvised harness lingerie made out of vinyl sheets found […]
Happy New Year 2023, everybody! :D Yes, this was supposed to be a Christmas photoset, but life is full of unexpected challenges and it turned out to be a New Year’s winter cosplay photoset! ;) I told you it would be worth the wait! lol Now, guys, you’ll just have to be a little more […]
To celebrate pride month, I wanted to do something very colorful… and I think I found a fantastic way to do so with this mind blowing photoset! :D Yes, this is another set that I built in my workshop. I wanted to showcase the LGBTQ+ flag in my photoset and building a staircase happened to […]
Une sympathique entrevue qui explique comment j’ai découvert le cosplay et ce que m’a apporté mon passage à la Maison des métiers d’art de Québec. Et en prime, une petite visite de ma salle de couture et des gros plans sur certains de mes plus beaux costumes! https://www.lafabriqueculturelle.tv/capsules/13879/dans-l-oeil-de-marie-claude-bourbonnais-couturiere-et-costumiere La Fabrique culturelle wanted to interview some […]