Good news for my fans from Ontario! I’m happy to announce that I will return as a cosplay guest to CAPE Cornwall and Area Pop Event in 2018! :D April 21-22 at the Benson Center in Cornwall, ON I’ll be there! Looking forward to meeting you there!
For more info about the convention, check out CAPE’s website: http://www.cornwallpopevent.com/

Celebrating my 10-year career! Back to August 2011 when I attended Toronto Fan Expo with the Heroes of the North team. This is where I met Jack Boland, photographer for the Toronto Sun, a Canadian newspaper. Jack was there to take pics for an article about the comiccon, but when he saw me, he offered to shoot me for the Sunshine Girl. Every Friday, the Toronto Sun publishes a girl’s picture on its back cover, the Sunshine Girl. That night, after the convention, I did a photoshoot that ended up at 2am. Having my picture on the back cover of a major Canadian newspaper and through the country online on the websites of the Winnipeg Sun, the Edmonton Sun, the Calgary Sun and the Ottawa Sun was one of the best exposure I had in Western Canada and Ontario.
By chance I had in my luggages this dress and purple lingerie I could use for this improvised photoshoot!
Photographer (for the glamour pics): Jack Boland
Latex outfit from Heroes of the North made by Polymorphe

Celebrating my 10-year career! Back to August 2011. It’s my friend Riki (Riddle) who introduced me to Yaya Han during Dragon Con 2010. In 2011, Yaya was received as a cosplay guest by Otakuthon, a Japanese anime convention in Montreal, QC. Yaya remembered that I was from the province of Quebec and invited me to spend the weekend at Otakuthon with her husband and her. I was honored that she thought of me and accepted her invitation. It was only the 2nd time I was attending Otakuthon and I had sewed 2 cute costumes for the event, Eureka from Eureka 7 and Hiyori Sarugaki from Bleach. I was pleased to find that old pic of me with Yaya and a lovely French Canadian cosplayer and seamstress who’s been a loyal fan for many years, Maude Biskuit!
I knew that Yaya was planning to do a Catwoman cosplay, possibly in latex since she had seen my latex Sue Storm costume from NYCC 2010. So while she was in Montreal, I introduced her to the people of Polymorphe, the latex clothing company that made my Sue Storm costume. (Check out my previous posts for the complete story about Polymorphe and my Sue Storm costume.) That weekend, we hanged out together and Yaya could order her custom made black latex catsuit.
I met Yaya again later that year at Orlando Megacon. Here we are posing with our Polymorphe latex suits. Thanks again to Polymorphe’s team and their skilled little hands!

Celebrating my 10-year career! Back to 2011… THAT time where I went to a party at the Playboy Mansion with a bunch of lovely, very sexy ladies… I had sewn my bra, panties and garter belt using old military clothes from an army surplus. I keep this outfit preciously. :)

Celebrating my 10-year career! Back to summer 2011: I made an appearance in a stand-up comedy show with 3 very well known stand-up comedians from the province of Quebec, Anthony Kavanagh, Maxim Martin and François Massicotte. The performance was part of a one week event called Le Grand Rire, a series of shows featuring many stand-up comedians and which was presented in Quebec City every year. Le Grand Rire is also broadcasted on TV in Quebec. The logo you see in the bottom of each pic is the one of a TV channel called Radio-Canada.
This performance was particulary funny because one of the stand-up comedians slipped, disappeared in the jacuzzi and came out of it covered with soap foam. This performance was part of the best moments and bloopers of Grand Rire 2011. I kept the bikini as a souvenir!

Celebrating my 10-year career! Souvenir pics from March 2011: I was published in the Australian People magazine! A female Australian photographer was traveling with her husband to organize photoshoots with glamour models around the world for various men’s magazines in Australia. She stopped by Montreal and I had the opportunity to do a photoshoot with her. :) Working with a female photographer (who had also been a model before, if I remember correctly) was a different experience. There are not a lot of female photographers in the glamour industry. I was very happy to be published in a magazine on the other side of the planet! lol
Photographer: Dylan Keyes

Celebrating my 10-year career! Souvenir from 2010: attending NYCC with my friend Riddle! There’s a long story behind this Sue Storm costume.
Through my work as a glamour model, I was introduced to the owner of Polymorphe, a Montreal based latex clothing company offering various products mainly to the fetish community all around the world. Polymorphe lent me many latex outfits for glamour photoshoots. They also taught me the basic techniques to work with latex. I spent many hours working and learning in Polymorphe’s workshop.
Releasing glamour pics of me wearing latex outfits made that people associated me to the fetish community. At some point, even my Wikipedia page was saying that I was a fetish model. I have many fetishist friends and I’ve learned a lot about all the different fetishes in the past years, but I’m not a fetishist myself. As a designer and costumer, I love how latex looks, but I don’t wear it in my bedroom. I did’t want to be called a fetish model since I wasn’t even a fetishist.
So I talked to Polymorphe’s owner. I told him how I appreciated everything he had done for me and how I thought that latex was an interesting material. But from now on, I’d use this material only in non fetishist contexts. What if I’d use this material for cosplay costumes? And Polymorphe’s owner accepted to help me.
Following reference sheets and instructions I had provided, the people of Polymorphe made the Sue Storm costume 1 week before NYCC 2010. It was a huge hit. It was all over the Internet. Official pics were on Marvel Comics’ website. It put me on the map as a cosplayer. Very little people had used latex for a cosplay costume before 2010. Today, many companies are specialized in making latex cosplay costumes. Fetish models have custom cosplay costumes made for their photoshoots. Non fetish cosplayers are wearing latex cosplay costumes. This Sue Storm costume introduced latex to the world of American pop culture and created a cross-over between the glamour, fetish and cosplay industries. On October 2010, a little French Canadian girl attending NYCC changed the face of cosplay in North America. ;)

Celebrating my 10-year career! Souvenir from June 2010: I was published in the American Curves magazine again! This photoshoot with the breathtaking red slingshot bikini is probably one of the most popular glamour photoshoot I did so far!
Photographer: AMaginations Photography

Celebrating my 10-year career! Souvenir from 2010: the 1st time I attended a convention! And not any convention: Dragon Con!
A long time ago, I started exchanging mails with a lovely girl who was dressing up as different characters. She was living in Atlanta. One day I was driving home, coming back from a photoshoot in Florida. (Yes, I traveled by drive a lot in my life and I explored the American East Coast more than once, driving from Quebec to Florida.) On my way back home, I was crossing Georgia and decided to contact that girl I had been talking to online. Maybe we could meet in person? Riki and her husband Chris accepted to meet me and we became friends instantly!
Riki and Chris invited me to stay at their place and to attend Dragon Con, which was apparently a huge convention. I had barely discovered cosplay the year before with the release of the Mortal Kombat Frost pics. I had never attended a convention or comiccon and I didn’t know anything about it, except that some people were dressing up as characters to attend those events.
I made, especially for this convention, a first simple costume from an obscure Japanese anime. I don’t even remember the name of this character with the pink hair! lol I also made the more complicated costume of Seras Victoria from Hellsing, which I was watching at the time, and I thought it would be cool because she had short blond hair like me. (Have any of you ever noticed how the jacket sticks between my boobs like in the anime? This remains one of my great secret pattern drafting/sewing techniques.) And since I didn’t have more time to make other #costumes, I brought the first version of my latex Hornet costume from Heroes of the North. I had started playing as an actress in the live action webseries earlier that year.
And here I am with the incredible Riddle, attending my very first convention… and I loved it! Riki introduced me to other cosplayers, comic book artists, she explained me everything I had to know about cosplay and conventions. And it was the beginning of an adventure!

Celebrating my 10-year career! Souvenir from January 2010: I was published in the American Curves Magazine again! I didn’t know, but 2010 would be a busy and important year for me!
Photographer: Pirate Picture
Note: I sewed that red bikini! ;)