10-year career – Heroes of the North, the beginning in 2010

Back to August 2010: this is when I started collaborating with Heroes of the North, a live action webseries about Canadian superheroes. I was playing the role of Hornet, a supervillainess! I was not only one of the actresses of the show, but I was also hired as a costumer and I made new leather costumes for some of the actors.  On the bottom right pic, the blue and red costume and the costume I’m wearing are 2 of the 7 leather costumes I sewed for Heroes Of the North – Season 2.  The latex costume on the top left picture was made by Polymorphe, a Montréal based company where I later worked and learned the basic techniques to make latex clothes. The series had its own comic books, branded merchandise, action figures and other cool collectibles. I went to many conventions with the Heroes of the North team over the years, wearing both the latex and leather Horntet costumes. It gave me a great exposure in the English speaking part of Canada where the series was particulary popular. It was my first experience as an actress and my first leather costumes.

Artwork by Geof Isherwood

10-year career – Summum Magazine Novembre 2009


Celebrating my 10-year career! Back to November 2009: the second time I was published in a magazine, the French Canadian Summum Magazine! I remember I had found pretty funny the fact that they had put the photoshoot in a section of the magazine called ‘La voisine’ which could be translated by ‘the neighbor’ or ‘the girl next door.’ My type of figure isn’t very common here in Québec so I never really felt like ‘the girl next door’… but hey, who am I to judge? lol I wish I’d have a neighbor with huge breast implants too!

Photographer: Gil Perron – P&P Image Factory


10-year career – American Curves Magazine Summer 2009 Lingerie Special



Celebrating my 10-year career! Back to 2009: the very first time I was published in a magazine! I met photographer Paul Buceta in the Toronto area and he thought that the editor of the American Curves Magazine would like my style. He shot me for the magazine, submitted the pics and the photoshoot was accepted! I was in the American Curves Magazine Summer 2009 Lingerie Special.

Photographer: Paul Buceta

10-year career – The 2009 Mortal Kombat Frost Photoshoot


Celebrating my 10-year career!

Great memories from 2009: the Mortal Kombat Frost photoshoot. Believe it or not, I didn’t know what cosplay was when I organized that photoshoot. I was starting as a model, I had always been a fan of Mortal Kombat and I had been sewing all my life for other people. I wanted to shoot something different than lingerie and bikinis and I wanted to finally sew something for myself. I had chosen Frost even if she wasn’t really a popular character because she had short white hair. And these pics happened. Released in February 2009, the Frost pics were so popular online that I had to search to understand why. And this is how I found out that dressing up as a character had a name, that it was called ‘cosplay’ and that it was apparently a worldwide phenomenon. Cosplay wasn’t very well known in the province of Quebec back in 2009. I thought to myself: ‘I have the figure of a character from an American comic book, a Japanese anime or a video game. I’ve studied in Fashion Design. I know how to sew. I should give cosplay a try.’ The rest is history.

Photographer: Gil Perron – P&P Image Factory

Latex leggings, gloves and waist corset made and lent by Polymorphe

10-year career – How it started in 2007: Calendrier Dream Team 2008

Marie_Claude_Bourbonnais_2008_Dream_Team_CalendarDid you know it’s been 10 years since I started as a glamour model?

Check out my 10-year Career Special Sale on my website store! Offering a selection of outfits I used for various events during the past 10 years!


For those who are wondering how I was first brought to the public eye, here’s my little story. :) I had studied in fashion design, but I was working in an office, sewing and making costumes for hip hop dance schools and prom dresses as a side job. I already had my breast implants. (No, I didn’t get my implants because of my modeling work. This is something I made for myself. I had no idea at this moment that I would be a model one day. I was just always a fan of big breasts and never regretted my choice.) In October 2007, I entered a contest to be part of a calendar organized by a radio station in Quebec City. One of the radio hosts, Marto Napoli, chose me to be part of the calendar. We became friends and he featured me in his radio show. I was talking on the radio almost every week. My first fans were Marto’s listeners.

In 2008, Quebec City was celebrating its 400 years, so this calendar’s theme was about Quebec City’s 400 years celebrations. Each month of the calendar had a related theme and December was about a futuristic looking Quebec City, how it may look in 400 more years. They of course had chosen me for this theme. (Funny fact: the stylist’s clothes and wig choices were loosely inspired by Six from Tripping the Rift and I was traumatized because they had made my waist so tiny in Photoshop. But I had no idea what cosplay was at that time. I found out about cosplay only in 2009.) So here I am, holding the 2008 calendar, wearing a red top that I had sewn by myself. This is at this moment, in November 2007, that I thought that doing a photoshoot for a calendar had been funny and that with my figure, maybe I could become a glamour model! lol I was very naive and didn’t know anything about this industry. But this is how it started and how I started traveling to collaborate with photographers. The rest is history. :)

Le resto-bar LvlOp fête son 1er anniversaire


Le LvlOp resto-bar e-sports à Québec célèbre son 1er anniversaire samedi le 28 octobre! Si vous ne connaissez pas le LvlOp, vous manquez quelque chose! Bar au premier étage et jeux vidéos au deuxième! Je serai là dès 20h00 et histoire de faire concept, je serai en costume de Scorpion. ;)

Pour plus d’info: http://www.lvlop.com/

Cosplay Culture Documentary – English Version available!

Good news! My friends from the province of Québec already saw me in the documentary by UBIQUE Film ‘Culture Cosplay’ on Canal D, a French Canadian TV channel. However, there is a version with English subtitles! It’s available for sale now on Vimeo! You’ll see me many times and you’ll see my workshop before it was remodeled! lol Enjoy!

New Aimsee Artwork by Lavahanje


Lavahanje / Blaer

Lavahanje is a really interesting artist touching ladies, gentlemen and monsters. Aimsee is a combination of at least 2 of the previous, so it has to be a good match. I’m seriously impressed with the quality of the work that was delivered to me and by how good Lavahanje instantly grasped the concept and pushed it even further. I like the signature look of her characters and I think it suits mine really well. It gives Aimsee this empowered look and also some mystery.

Go get some more there. In the meantime, I’ll find some more commission ideas for Lavahanje. :)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lavahanje 

Tumblr: http://lavahanje.tumblr.com/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BlaerNaomi/

Instagram: @blaer_naomi_art

Docu-D: Culture Cosplay à Canal D


Pour mes amis du Québec: ne manquez pas Culture Cosplay, un documentaire de Ubique Film sur le cosplay qui sera diffusé à Canal D ce jeudi, le 19 octobre à 22h00. Oui, j’apparais dans le documentaire avec d’autres cosplayers du Québec! Vous me suivrez en voyage et verrez mon ancien atelier… avant que je le rénove entièrement au début de cette année.  Pour plus d’info sur l’émission, consultez le site de Canal D:


En rediffusion:

Vendredi le 20 octobre à 14h00

Dimanche le 22 octobre à 19h00

Mardi le 24 octobre à 10h00

For my friends in the province of Quebec: yes, I’ll be on TV this week! Don’t miss Culture Cosplay, a documentary by Ubique Film about cosplay, on Canal D next Thursday October 19th, 10pm. Yes, I’m featured in the documentary with other cosplayers from the province of Quebec. You’ll follow me while I’m traveling for conventions and you’ll also see my old workshop, before I remodeled it at the beginning of this year. For more info about the show, check out Canal D website:


Thusrday October 19th 10pm

Friday October 20th 2pm

Sunday October 22nd 7pm

Tuesday October 24th 10am

And for my international and non French speaking friends, there might be a version with English subtitles available online eventually… I’ll keep you informed!