Over the Rainbow Photoset – Happy Pride Month to all my LGBTQ+ friends!

To celebrate pride month, I wanted to do something very colorful… and I think I found a fantastic way to do so with this mind blowing photoset! :D Yes, this is another set that I built in my workshop. I wanted to showcase the LGBTQ+ flag in my photoset and building a staircase happened to be the perfect way to integrate the new colors and patterns of the flag in the background. :) Then I found those beautiful rainbow roller skates… and I realized I’d have to pose with roller skates in a staircase! lol But it was worth it, I love the pics and hope you will enjoy them too! By the way, if you like unicorns, make sure to look at all the pics on my store… a lovely surprise is waiting for you! ;)
‘Over the Rainbow’ autographed prints: www.store.mcbourbonnais.com

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