Fabrique culturelle: Dans l’oeil de Marie-Claude Bourbonnais, couturière et costumière

Une sympathique entrevue qui explique comment j’ai découvert le cosplay et ce que m’a apporté mon passage à la Maison des métiers d’art de Québec. Et en prime, une petite visite de ma salle de couture et des gros plans sur certains de mes plus beaux costumes!
La Fabrique culturelle wanted to interview some professional artists and students of La maison des métiers d’art de Québec, the Arts and Crafts School where I studied for more than 2 years. The interview is in French, but you’ll get the chance to see my sewing room and some of my most beautiful and impressive costumes. :D Basically, I’m explaining how I discovered cosplay, how I was perceived through the cosplay community when I started as a cosplayer while I was mostly known as a glamour model and my fight to convince people that I was really sewing and building my costumes by myself. Studying at the Arts and Crafts School was such a humbling experience. I was used to work with fabrics and knits, but I had never woven a fabric or knitted a knit! lol Because of cosplay, I was very good at reproducing already existing designs, but I had lost a certain creativity that I rediscovered through my classes at the Arts and Crafts School. What an unforgettable experience! You may not undersand French, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy watching the video. :)
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