10-year career and Canadian photographers: Vincent Lions

Celebrating my 10-year career! Through these 10 years, I had the opportunity to collaborate with many photographers from all around the world but I wanted to share with you the amazing pics I did with some photographers from Canada. Let’s share local Canadian talent.

Vincent Lions is a French photographer based in Toronto. Specialized at the time in fashion and commercial photography, it seemed very unlikely that there could ever be a collaboration between him and the glamour model I was. We were from 2 different universes. And yet it happened.

Vincent was working on a series of pictures related to the theme of textures. One of his ideas was to cover a model with clay and see how the clay on the skin would react and look in pictures. I was the chosen one.

It’s interesting to see how the clay dried out and peeled off during the photoshoot to give an evolving look, showing off a white skin that made me look like a living statue or a frozen creature… Vincent confessed at the end of the photoshoot that he was first a little affraid that my implants would distract attention from the concept, but apparently my posing and attitude in the photoshoot made everything work.

But since I had that figure, why not using it for another special concept? Make sure to check out the pics galleries for the full clay photoshoot and don’t miss the last picture called ‘Bye bye Barbie’.


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