10-year career: Ninja Division Relic Knights Marie-Claude cosplay
Celebrating my 10-year career! Back to August 2014 when I attended Gen Con with Ninja Division and where I did a cosplay… of myself twice! :D
Over the years, Soda Pop Miniatures – Ninja Division included me as a character in all their games, including Relic Knights and the popular Super Dungeon. I made the leather costume of my character from Relic Knight’s Cerci team in 2013, but worn the complete version with the belt and holster only in 2014, the year where I exchanged my bra for double sided tape and it looked so much better!
lol It’s also the year where I built a set in my workshop to do a photoshoot of my superb leather suit with integrated boots. Yes, look carefully, it was a fake wall that I kept in my workshop for more than one year. I was so sad when I had to demolish it… But I needed room in my workshop for other projects.
Photographer: Grumpy Bear Productions
Cerci Marie-Claude prints available on my store: www.store.mcbourbonnais.com
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